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Version 0.11.0: This article may not be up to date for the latest version of Isleward.


Monsters can be found wandering around islands, as well as in dungeons. Players fight and kill monsters for items, experience, and to finish quests. Monsters may drop equipments, cards, idols and quest items when killed. Some monsters may auto-attack players if they get too close, and return to their natural habitat when they stray too far.

  • Health, Mana, Damage, and Armor of a monster are RANDOMLY generated (The health column is an "average")

Regular Monsters[edit]

The table below summarizes information about the monsters in Isleward. For brevity, only quest drops and special/important drops are listed in the drops column.

Name Level Attack Base Health Mana Armor Quest Item Drops Reputation Location Notes
Seagull 2 Melee 16 ? ? Gull Feather / Fjolarok /
Bunny 3 Melee 48 ? ? Rabbit Foot / Fjolarok /
Elk 4 Melee 112 ? ? Elk Antler / Fjolarok /
Flamingo 5 Melee 156 ? ? / / Fjolarok Small chance of dropping The Other Heirloom when killed.
Crab 6 Melee 218 ? ? Severed Pincer / Fjolarok /
Titan Crab 7 Melee 324 ? ? / / Fjolarok /
Frog 8 Melee 380 ? ? / / Fjolarok /
Mud Crab 9 Melee 594 ? ? / / Fjolgard /
Eagle 10 Melee 944 ? ? / / Fjolarok Small chance of dropping Eagle Feather when killed.
Rat 11 Melee 1350 ? ? / +6 Fjolgard Fjolgard Sewers Small chance of dropping Godly Promise when killed.
Bandit 11 Melee 1350 ? ? / +18 Fjolgard Bandit Hideout Small chance of dropping Rusted Key and Godly Promise when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Bloodthirsty Rat 11 / 4050 ? ? / / Fjolgard Sewers Spawns during the Plague of Rats event.
Giant Rat 12 Melee 3408 ? ? / +6 Fjolgard Fjolgard Sewers Small chance of dropping Godly Promise when killed.
(no longer in game)
13 Melee 1800 ? ? / +22 Fjolgard Bandit Hideout Small chance of dropping Rusted Key and Godly Promise when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Dire Rat 13 Melee 10660 ? ? / +22 Fjolgard Bandit Hideout Small chance of dropping Godly Promise when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Bera the Blade 14 Melee 8148 ? ? / +25 Fjolgard Bandit Hideout High chance of dropping Rusted Key and Godly Promise when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Crystal Snail 14 Arcane
2716 ? ? Digested Crystal
+15 The Akarei
/ Crystal Caves Emits gas in area around itself, dealing damage. Attacks players hit by gas.
Crystal Whelk 16 Arcane
3776 ? ? Digested Crystal
+15 The Akarei
/ Crystal Caves Emits gas in area around itself, dealing damage. Attacks players hit by gas.
Slimy Offspring 18 / 5112 ? ? / / Crystal Caves Heals Radulos when he eats them.
Ringo 1 Poison
16 ? ? / +15 Gaekatla Estuary Small chance of dropping Benthic Incantation when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Fanged Rabbit 15 Poison
13440 ? ? / +15 Gaekatla Estuary Small chance of dropping Benthic Incantation when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Giant Gull 15 Poison
13440 ? ? / +15 Gaekatla Estuary Small chance of dropping Benthic Incantation when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Overgrown Beaver 16 Poison
16520 ? ? / +15 Gaekatla Estuary Small chance of dropping Benthic Incantation when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Ghastly Toad 16 Poison
15104 ? ? / +15 Gaekatla Estuary Small chance of dropping Benthic Incantation when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Huge Flamingo 17 Poison
17680 ? ? / +15 Gaekatla Estuary Small chance of dropping Benthic Incantation when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Ironskull Goat 18 Poison
20448 ? ? / +15 Gaekatla Estuary Small chance of dropping Benthic Incantation when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Snakelet 15 Melee 3360 ? ? / / Fjolarok (Outer Temple) Small chance of dropping Serpentine Sinnew or Broken Elderbow when killed.
Hatchling 17 Poison
4420 ? ? / / Fjolarok (Outer Temple) Its ranged attack applies a DoT that drains your hp by ? per tick for a short duration.
Releases a Smokebomb on death that deals damage if you walk on it. Small chance of dropping Serpentine Sinnew or Broken Elderbow when killed.
Attacks players on sight.
Viridian Serpent 20 Poison
720000 ? ? / +15 Gaekatla Temple Its ranged attack applies a DoT that drains your hp by 20 per tick for a short duration.
Releases a lava-kind of hazard on death that deals damage if you walk on it.
Attacks players on sight.
Scarlet Serpent 20 Melee/Charge 540000 ? ? / +15 Gaekatla Temple Can charge at the player and deal massive damage.
Attacks players on sight.
Violet Serpent 20 Melee
Poison Range
288000 ? ? / +15 Gaekatla Temple Its ranged attack can slow your movement speed for a short duration.
Attacks players on sight.
  • AoE = Area Of Effect damage
  • DoT = Damage Over Time

Rare Monsters[edit]

Rare monsters occasionally spawn (4% chance) in the place of regular monsters, and have 1.5 times as much health and deal 1.5 times as much damage. Rare monsters always drop magic items or better, and can use one or skills normally used by players. As a result, some rare monsters of the same type are easier to defeat than others, as the Circle of Healing skill confers nearly no utility for the monster, whereas the Magic Missile skill can significantly increase the difficulty. It is recommended to fight rare monsters in groups, as all participating players will receive loot, and it is easier to deal with the monster's skills. Monsters in dungeons can spawn as rare monsters, but do not change their name and are not listed below.

Name Level Attack Base Health Mana Armor Replaces Location
Crazed Seagull 2 Melee 48 ? ? Seagull Fjolarok
Thumper 3 Melee/Rune 144 ? ? Bunny Fjolarok
Ironhorn 4 Melee/Rune 336 ? ? Elk Fjolarok
Squiggles 6 Melee/Rune 654 ? ? Crab Fjolarok
The Pincer King 7 Melee/Rune 972 ? ? Titan Crab Fjolarok
The Muck Prince 8 Melee/Rune 1140 ? ? Frog Fjolgard
Wreckapod 9 Melee/Rune 1782 ? ? Mud Crab Fjolgard
Fleshripper 10 Melee/Rune 2832 ? ? Eagle Fjolarok
Enraged Rat 11 Melee/Rune 4050 ? ? Rat Fjolgard Sewers
Cutthroat 11 Melee/Rune ? ? ? Bandit Fjolgard Sewers
Albino Serpent 20 Melee 144000 ? ? Viridian Serpent
Scarlet Serpent
Violet Serpent

Boss Monsters[edit]

Boss monsters are special monsters that are extremely strong and often use skills, including skills that are not available to players.

Name Level Attack Base Health Mana Armor Reputation Location Notes
Sundfehr 9 Melee/Rune 5940 ? ? / Fjolgard Technically a mini-boss, Sundefehr attacks players with Magic Missile and Crystal Spikes upon being attacked.
Stinktooth 13 Melee/Rune 21320 30-40 ? +15 Fjolgard Fjolgard Sewers Will charge at anybody who enters his range, and follow up with a powerful 2 radius Whirlwind.
Has a small chance of dropping Putrid Shank, Muddy Runestone and Whirlwind Recipe.
(No longer in game)
13 Melee/Rune ? ? ? +15 Fjolgard Fjolgard Sewers Rare, stronger version of Stinktooth.
Has a 20% chance of dropping Fangs of Fury when killed. Steelclaw was completely removed and replaced by Stinktooth.
Radulos 18 Arcane
383400 30-40 ? / Crystal Caves Emits AoE gas in large areas somewhat close to itself,
dealing large amounts of damage.
Summons Slimy Offspring to heal himself when he eats them.
M'ogresh 20 Poison
144000 30 ? +120 Gaekatla Estuary Uses two random player skills.
Has a hatchling-like ranged attack that shoots at all players within his range, but will also move towards his to attack them with melee as well.
Can summon crystal spikes multiple times to attack.
Has a small chance of dropping Benthic Incantation when killed.
Will attack players if they get into his aggro range.
Nyxaliss 20 Poison
2400000 30-40 ? +15 Gaekatla Temple Has a ranged attack that hits a single target.
Can trap players in a spiked cage and apply debuffs.
Can summon incredibly tanky Vile Brood
Can dig to a new location, and summon spikes on the dig trail which can kill Vile Brood

Seasonal Monsters[edit]

These monsters are only found during certain events.

Name Level Attack Health Mana Armor Replaces Location Seasonal Event
Rude Holf 4 Melee 200 ? ? Ironhorn Fjolarok Merrywinter
Drops 1 Cheer and Spear card.
Frost Crab 6 Melee 500 ? ? The Pincer King Fjolarok Merrywinter
Drops 1 Cheer and Spear card.
Penguin 8 Melee 400 ? ? Frog Fjolarok Merrywinter
The Winter Wobbler 8 Melee/Rune 1200 ? ? The Muck Prince Fjolgard The rare version of Penguin during Merrywinter
Soul Nibbler Player who
Melee Dependent on level.
Spawns at players level
? ? Gathered
Fjolarok Soul's Moor
Risen Pumpkin 10 Melee/Rune 4000 40 ? / The Squash Patch This weak mob is only found in the The Squash Patch.
Attacks using melee and a purple Whirlwind-like attack.
Drops Candy Corn for lower level players.
Haunted Pumpkin 10 Melee/Rune 8000 25 ? / The Squash Patch This mob is only found in the The Squash Patch.
Attacks using melee and a purple Whirlwind-like attack.
Drops Candy Corn for lower level players.
Risen Eggplant 20 Range/Rune 400000-450000 40 ? / The Squash Patch This mob is only found in the The Squash Patch.
Shoots a ranged projectile, and summons an extremely long delay Crystal Spikes which can be dodged by watching for the telltale purple sparkles.
Drops Candy Corn when killed.
Haunted Eggplant 20 Range/Rune 1200000 40 ? / The Squash Patch This mob is only found in the The Squash Patch.
Shoots a ranged projectile, and summons an extremely long delay Crystal Spikes which can be dodged by watching for the telltale purple sparkles.
Drops Candy Corn when killed.
Lord Squash 20 Range/Unique 270000 ? ? / The Squash Patch This boss spawns only during Soul's Moor event.
Attacks all players fighting it simultaneously.
Drops chunks on the ground which shoots MM at Squash while draining player health rapidly for a short time after being walked over.
Give 2000 reputation with The Pumpkin Sailor and Candy Corn when killed.
Sandspitter Scorpion 20 Ranged/Special 40000 ? ? / Pyramid of the Sun This mob is only found in the Pyramid of the Sun
Has a low damage, rapid firing ranged attack, and the ability to become untargetable and dig to a new location.
Firestriker Scorpion 20 Melee 50000 ? ? / Pyramid of the Sun This mob is only found in the Pyramid of the Sun.
Has a melee attack that should not be ignored despite its seemingly low power.
Moonbound Cultist 20 Ranged/Rune 50000 ? ? / Pyramid of the Sun This mob is only found in the Pyramid of the Sun. Can summon up to 3 Restless Mummys and also shoots a magic missile like attack.
Vizier Zunni 20 Melee/Special 500000 ? ? / Pyramid of the Sun One of the two bosses deep within the Pyramid of the Sun.
Melee. Has a special ability that creates purple crystals which she can shatter at will, dealing damage to those in the surrounding 1 blocks.
Moonpriest Sahira 20 Ranged/Special 500000 ? ? / Pyramid of the Sun One of the two bosses deep within the Pyramid of the Sun.
Has an extremely powerful magic missile that she fires at all players simultaneously at regular intervals. Can be blocked by Zunnis crystals.