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Version 0.15.0: This article may not be up to date for the latest version of Isleward.

Neck-Slot Items[edit]

Neck-slot items are a type of equipment that can be obtained by killing monsters. Thaumaturge Yala also sells Amulets, Pendants, and Lockets with a unique stat which gives a chance to cast a lightning bolt when critically hitting.

All neck-slot items can be augmented with and salvaged into Iron Bars. Neck-slot items are one of the types of equipment that may be required to finish a Purveyor of Artifacts quest.


Neck-slot items never have armor but can have Arcane increase, Fire increase, Frost increase, Holy increase, Poison increase, Physical increase, Spell Increase, All Attributes, Cast Speed or Attack Speed stats. For rare or higher quality items, neck-slot items can have suffixes of Choker, Curio, Chain, and Noose in addition to the list of generic prefixes and suffixes.

List of Neck-Slot Type Items[edit]

Name Image Implicit Stat Material
Pendant Pendant.png Strength [1 - 4] Iron
Amulet Amulet.png Intellect [1 - 4] Iron
Locket Locket.png Dexterity [1 - 4] Iron
Choker Choker.png Health Regeneration [2 - 5] Iron
Amulet of the Moon Amulet of the Moon.png Intellect [1 - 4] Iron
Amulet of the Sun Amulet of the Sun.png Intellect [1 - 4] Iron
Enchanted Wreath Enchanted Wreath.png All Attributes [10] Iron