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Version 0.9.0: This article may not be up to date for the latest version of Isleward.


Equipment is a type of item that affects a character's stats when equipped. There are many different types of equipment, including head, neck, chest, hand, finger, waist, legs, feet, trinket, weapon, tools, and runes. Like other types of items, equipment can have different qualities.

Head, Neck, Chest, Hands, Finger, Waist, Legs, Feet, Trinket, Weapon all only change the stats of your character, while Tools, and Runes give you abilities.
Weapons allow you to attack, Tools currently only allow you to fish, and Runes give you abilities that require Mana to use in combat.

Except for runes and finger items, players may only equip one of each type of equipment at any given time, and a two-handed weapon occupies both the weapon and off-hand slot. Up to 4 runes, and two finger items can be equipped at a time.

Certain pieces of Equipment have special stats which can not be changed through the use of Unstable Idols, such as those obtained from the Shady Dealer, during Events, or from certain Factions

Equipment might be dropped by monsters after killing them.
To increase the likelihood of a monster to drop items, raise your Quantity stat,to increase the likelihood of a monster dropping items of a higher rarity, raise your Quality stat.
Different slots drop with different rates, as shown below. (Runes have separate drop rates, but most can still be acquired by killing monsters).

A list of item slots (category) and their drop rates is here.

Item Drop Rate ~Drop Rate %
Head 85/825 10.3%
Neck 45/825 5.45%
Chest 100/825 12.12%
Hand 90/825 10.9%
Finger 40/825 4.85%
Waist 80/825 9.7%
Leg 100/825 12.12%
Feet 90/825 10.9%
Trinket 35/825 4.24%
1H Weapon 60/825 7.27%
2H Weapon 60/825 7.27%
OffHand 40/825 4.85%

Lists of equipment by slot